Saturday, October 24, 2009

P umpkins and more pumpkins

Well lets see this morning I awoke to Ryon, yes my lovely son trying to make cinnamon rolls. He did everything but stick them in the oven. He came and woke me up to put them in..Got to love him

After we ate we cleaned up a little then decided to go to the HoneySuckle Pumpkin Farm. It was cute. They had a cute set up. Ryon went on some slides, a corn popper (air jumper) we did the corn maze and believe or not it was in the shape of George Strait. Did the kids maze which was got milk? Only got lost a few times that is when I decided to lead.. Hmm with out land marks I am not that great at directions. But give me some land marks and we are in there. Was able to get a good size pumpkin that Ryon will carve tomorrow and I will take pictures and show you all. I promise i will start taking more pictures...(fingers are crossed)

Came back to town and went to the mall, Ryon and Rob played laser tag and I went to the book store. Great compromise. Got coffee and came home for some homemade chili. Now cant ask for anything more. Got some time on the computer and now heading to bed. Plan on going to see Where the Wild Things Are? Loved one and friends are in our prayers see y'll soon..

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