Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

First off I want to say I have never heard of Fall Break till I came to TN. In California, North Carolina or Georgia where we just came from we have never had a Fall Break. Whose idea was it to let the kids out of school for a whole week in October just because it is Fall is really on something. First I can't afford to take a week off work. Hello with the way the economy is now days who can afford to take that much time off just because. Second day care here is not even an option have not seen or heard of any that would rate up to my standings. So he is home with his dad for a little. We decided to take turns and each of us take a day off for the week. Thank goodenss yesterday was the holiday we both had it off.

Now can someone explain to my child that when one parent is home with him he doesnt have to call the other one to ask permission for everything. If I get one more phone call asking if he can do something and his dad is home I think I will take his phone away for a week.

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