Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Late Night-- URGH

Wow what a day. Let's start off with the alarm going off at oh dark thirty literally 0430. Rob finally crawls out of bed and making I believe the most noise any one can. I finally fell backed to sleep till my alarm went off at 7. I dont think I slep at all.

With this crazy weather here in TN one day you have the windows open getting fresh fall air and the next your bundled up in blankets freezing from the ice cold rain. Really can mother nature make up her mind for a little bit. Let us adapt to the weather. Well this weekend the boy (Ryon and Rob) they decided to go play laser tag and I think with the weather change so much and all they both are sick. Just what I need. One boy and one grown man sick.. I blame all hair loss and gray hair to mother nature on this one.

To top off them being sick I did not get off from work till 10pm tonight due to a unit of mine heading out. I really hate these nights. I hate seeing the kids the most hold on to thier parents and cry and really nothing you can do but loan them your shoulder and be there. I know my time will be soon again but as we know once an Infantry Man always an Infantry Man. When that time approaches I will take each day with stride and trust in our Father that he will do what is needed of me.

Well it is late and I am exhausted from a long day at work and unfortunately I feel it will be a long night with one sick husband and one sick son. Prayers are with all my friends and loved ones deployed or not at home. Special prayers being sent to my dear friend Michele and Tim and their family and my Friend Nicole while she battles cancer and her husband is deployed. Love you all.

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