Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy weekend

Wow I cant believe it is Monday already. I totally did not get any time to update this weekend. To start off this weekend I had still 2 sick people in the house so I was glad to be able to get out for a bit on Saturday. Went to a pumpkin carving event at a friends house and was able to hang out with the girls and enjoy some me time. YEAH ME!!! Well totally lost track of time and got a phone call from the boys asking if I was going to ever come home they were hungry.. Did I miss the memo I was the only one that can cook dinner?? HMMM Guess I did. So I came home and we went out for Mexican..

Sunday we went out for breakfast at one of Ryon's favorites Waffle House. HMM not sure that is one of my top locations but it was his turn to chose. For some reason we got home around 130 and I laid down and did not get up until 530 so of course the boys were asking for dinner.. Again did I miss the Memo??

Wow how the weekend disappears when you are having fun. Today at work was anything but typical and did not finish until about 10 minutes ago. Yes you heard or read that right I just finished work for the day. Do not ask me why it is when the Soldiers leave crazy comes out.. Anyways between meetings, Red Cross messages and crazy stuff I am ready to start drinking.. Is that allowed?

Oh I think I forgot to mention that drama queen my lovely daughter decided to call me and let me know several things this weekend. How can I forget??? She decided to let me know my mom was admitted in to the hospital but failed to inform me what exactly was going on. So again I had to locate which hospital and room number and find out myself. Mom is sick and possible kidney failure. Spoke to mom and found out that when she was flu sick she still continued to use her insulin medicine so it made things worse. Well they decided to keep her for a few days and are going to flush her system out and hopefully things will be better. Then to find out my niece had to have surgery to get her tonsils out. And then my drama queen child flipped out that she needed 100.00 to get a part on her computer. So drama drama drama when she finished i asked her if she had checked her account and she said no. I told her she needed to check her account before calling all drama out.. Anyone want a 16 yr old drama queen.

Okay I am burnt out for the day. So I am going to call it a night..
Prayers to all that are deployed and in harms way. To my dearest friends and family.

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