Saturday, October 24, 2009

P umpkins and more pumpkins

Well lets see this morning I awoke to Ryon, yes my lovely son trying to make cinnamon rolls. He did everything but stick them in the oven. He came and woke me up to put them in..Got to love him

After we ate we cleaned up a little then decided to go to the HoneySuckle Pumpkin Farm. It was cute. They had a cute set up. Ryon went on some slides, a corn popper (air jumper) we did the corn maze and believe or not it was in the shape of George Strait. Did the kids maze which was got milk? Only got lost a few times that is when I decided to lead.. Hmm with out land marks I am not that great at directions. But give me some land marks and we are in there. Was able to get a good size pumpkin that Ryon will carve tomorrow and I will take pictures and show you all. I promise i will start taking more pictures...(fingers are crossed)

Came back to town and went to the mall, Ryon and Rob played laser tag and I went to the book store. Great compromise. Got coffee and came home for some homemade chili. Now cant ask for anything more. Got some time on the computer and now heading to bed. Plan on going to see Where the Wild Things Are? Loved one and friends are in our prayers see y'll soon..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Crazy weekend

Wow I cant believe it is Monday already. I totally did not get any time to update this weekend. To start off this weekend I had still 2 sick people in the house so I was glad to be able to get out for a bit on Saturday. Went to a pumpkin carving event at a friends house and was able to hang out with the girls and enjoy some me time. YEAH ME!!! Well totally lost track of time and got a phone call from the boys asking if I was going to ever come home they were hungry.. Did I miss the memo I was the only one that can cook dinner?? HMMM Guess I did. So I came home and we went out for Mexican..

Sunday we went out for breakfast at one of Ryon's favorites Waffle House. HMM not sure that is one of my top locations but it was his turn to chose. For some reason we got home around 130 and I laid down and did not get up until 530 so of course the boys were asking for dinner.. Again did I miss the Memo??

Wow how the weekend disappears when you are having fun. Today at work was anything but typical and did not finish until about 10 minutes ago. Yes you heard or read that right I just finished work for the day. Do not ask me why it is when the Soldiers leave crazy comes out.. Anyways between meetings, Red Cross messages and crazy stuff I am ready to start drinking.. Is that allowed?

Oh I think I forgot to mention that drama queen my lovely daughter decided to call me and let me know several things this weekend. How can I forget??? She decided to let me know my mom was admitted in to the hospital but failed to inform me what exactly was going on. So again I had to locate which hospital and room number and find out myself. Mom is sick and possible kidney failure. Spoke to mom and found out that when she was flu sick she still continued to use her insulin medicine so it made things worse. Well they decided to keep her for a few days and are going to flush her system out and hopefully things will be better. Then to find out my niece had to have surgery to get her tonsils out. And then my drama queen child flipped out that she needed 100.00 to get a part on her computer. So drama drama drama when she finished i asked her if she had checked her account and she said no. I told her she needed to check her account before calling all drama out.. Anyone want a 16 yr old drama queen.

Okay I am burnt out for the day. So I am going to call it a night..
Prayers to all that are deployed and in harms way. To my dearest friends and family.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fun all around

Alright let me explain a little about this sweet child of mine. I have no idea where she gets it from but she is really competitive. I get a text message from her this evening telling me she needs some more money.

Well let me back up one step so you all understand. My beautiful daughter attends a preportary school out in Northern California. She lives with my parents so I just make sure she has what she needs by continuing to add money to her checking account.

Now back to the text message. I know I am hard to follow at times but if you all know me i'm not the brightess at times. Anyways she wants money cause they are in spirit week and the freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors are all competing to out spirit each other in decorating their particular hallway. Yes my lovely daughter wanted me to put about 40 dollars in her account so she can decorate their hallway... and if i can quote one line in her text "mom you know Im real competitive please put money in my account" I know she doesnt get it from me. I like to sit back and enjoy watching everyone else.

This reminds me of tonight at work. As many of you Military Wives know it sometimes is hard to have anyone show up for your FRG meeting. So my senior advisor decided to make a competition on it. And if the company has at least 60% show up then they get half a day off on a Friday. Oh yeah talk about participation. I have not seen so many spouses show up. It acutally turned out to be a wonderful event. Got lots of volunteers and lots of information out. The only thing Im still alittle amazed about is no one knew my name as Kandis all the Soldiers that were there and spouses that know me or of me as the Candy Lady. Hmmm I guess that big bowl of candy on my desk gets attention.

Well this is a little short long day again at work and early and late night last night. Ryon was up with a fever most of the night took him in and was told "Yep it is going around" Umm yeah figured that but any particular thing to do or not do... Sometimes I really wonder about some people. Then was kept up most of the night from Rob coughing oh I did mention he is sick also. Yep so far so good (knock on wood) But as anyone of you know it doesnt matter if mom gets sick we still have to continue with everything.

Good luck Kenzee on your spirit week hallway!! Hope you all do well. One more day till the weekend and hopefully with 2 sick ones in the house i can acutally sleep in...HMMM any takers i wont be able to??? Nite all... Prayers continue to be with all loved ones serving abroad and in harms way, my dear friends and loved ones.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Late Night-- URGH

Wow what a day. Let's start off with the alarm going off at oh dark thirty literally 0430. Rob finally crawls out of bed and making I believe the most noise any one can. I finally fell backed to sleep till my alarm went off at 7. I dont think I slep at all.

With this crazy weather here in TN one day you have the windows open getting fresh fall air and the next your bundled up in blankets freezing from the ice cold rain. Really can mother nature make up her mind for a little bit. Let us adapt to the weather. Well this weekend the boy (Ryon and Rob) they decided to go play laser tag and I think with the weather change so much and all they both are sick. Just what I need. One boy and one grown man sick.. I blame all hair loss and gray hair to mother nature on this one.

To top off them being sick I did not get off from work till 10pm tonight due to a unit of mine heading out. I really hate these nights. I hate seeing the kids the most hold on to thier parents and cry and really nothing you can do but loan them your shoulder and be there. I know my time will be soon again but as we know once an Infantry Man always an Infantry Man. When that time approaches I will take each day with stride and trust in our Father that he will do what is needed of me.

Well it is late and I am exhausted from a long day at work and unfortunately I feel it will be a long night with one sick husband and one sick son. Prayers are with all my friends and loved ones deployed or not at home. Special prayers being sent to my dear friend Michele and Tim and their family and my Friend Nicole while she battles cancer and her husband is deployed. Love you all.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fall Break

First off I want to say I have never heard of Fall Break till I came to TN. In California, North Carolina or Georgia where we just came from we have never had a Fall Break. Whose idea was it to let the kids out of school for a whole week in October just because it is Fall is really on something. First I can't afford to take a week off work. Hello with the way the economy is now days who can afford to take that much time off just because. Second day care here is not even an option have not seen or heard of any that would rate up to my standings. So he is home with his dad for a little. We decided to take turns and each of us take a day off for the week. Thank goodenss yesterday was the holiday we both had it off.

Now can someone explain to my child that when one parent is home with him he doesnt have to call the other one to ask permission for everything. If I get one more phone call asking if he can do something and his dad is home I think I will take his phone away for a week.