Monday, July 29, 2013

Ending Of Summer

Well July has or is almost to its end.. I can not believe another summer has passed and another year with out me killing one of the kids.  Though it came really close this year.. I think one child thought because they are the age of an adult that they could attempt to be an adult but that did not work out when they throw temper tantrums like a 4 year old. 

So Makenzee has moved back to school and is in her own apartment this year.  She moved back sooner than later cause she had classes start in July. She has almost everything for her apartment either by confiscating it from me or sweet talking me to buy it from her. Oooo wait she sweet talked Rob into convincing me to buy it for her. Cause what she wanted was his favorite recliner and well he was not about to give that up, so he told me to get her furniture.. Yep you got it daddy's little spoiled brat.

As for my other spoiled brat well he was able to attend The National Boy Scout Jamboree this year and it was exciting. He spent several weeks at different camps and a few weeks with grandma and grandpa.  He got to hang out with his cousins and of course get some card time and fishing time in.  Now is its time to break all his summer habits and get him on a schedule since school starts next week.  URGH that is easier said than done..

I cant believe he will be in 8th grade this year and Makenzee is a junior in college. Where has the time gone?  So we will be starting off Aug with a busy schedule between work, school and scouts. Two big events with scouts a month for the next few months and that does not include are regular scout events. School of course will be a big one since one particular child of mine dislikes several subjects.

Look forward to the end of summer and the beginning of fall. One of my favorite seasons and times of the year.  So I hope everyone has had a great summer.  I will post some pictures of the kids soon. Well as soon as they let me take some. Makenzee is a camera hog and Ryon well he runs from it. So let see what I can do..

As always love you all and God Bless.

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