Sunday, March 28, 2010

End of March

Wow, I can't believe it has been forever since I have posted.  Seems life does get you side tracked. Well we are ending March and Rob is getting ready to leave for a year. Ryon started  baseball and well Makenzee just called for more money to get a prom dress.  REALLY???  It seems she just started High School and Ryon was still my little man.

Let's see, Ryon turned 10 yesterday and is growing up so fast. He has his own little personality that really makes me melt.  We spent his birthday at my inlaws and had a blast. They really did spoil him as always. He got alot of great gifts he says.  His biggest things he got was a new nerf gun and a card set. He also got a new fishing pole and tackle box. (guess that means I'm going fishing)  They bought a small cake and we celebrated his bday with him in WV.

Makenzee well lets see.. She and Ryon are so opposite.. She is getting ready for her spring break vacation with one of her best freinds and they are going to Las Vegas.  Before you all freak they are going to spend the week with her (Maklaya)friend's father.  Maklaya did not want to spend the week by herself at her fathers so they invited Makenzee.  Me worried... Just a little.. So I got the app for my phone to know where she is at all times.. I know bad mom... lol... Anyways when she gets back she leaves immediately for Yosemite for a school thing for  a week then comes home just in time for the Prom.. YIKES!!! Talk about growing up.. 

As for Rob and I well we are doing great. Preparing our selves for the up coming deployment. But other than that getting ready to celebrate our 6th year Anniversary.. We are going this weekend up to Pigeon Forge for the weekend to spend some more time with his family in a cabin that his mom got for the weekend. Can't wait.. It is going to be fun.  I think we are going to go to a show and dinner when we get home the following weekend for our anniversary.

As for me well I graduated from college with my Bachelors of Science degree. Should be excited right?? NOT what did I do but go and start another Bachelors degree. Speaking of I should get started on my homework for this week.

Well I will try not to stay away so long but as we all know being a mom, wife and working things come up and life keeps going.. Will add pictures of our trip to WV soon...

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you all have been so busy. I thought about Ryon all week before his birthday, but wouldn't you know it slipped my mind the day of. I can't believe he is now in double digits. . .where did the time go?! Give him our love and tell him Michael says hi ;)
