Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wow as I look at my last post I did not realize how far behind I have actually been. As you can tell life has taken over completely and time has not slowed down. 

Well this is looking like the best way to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and  Happy New Year. I know I am very slow when it comes to mailing things out including updates on the family.  As you may all know we are still living in Tennessee and Rob is still stationed here at Fort Campbell.

Wow things that have happened in 2012 have been lots and then really just life itself.  Let's start off with Ryon. As you all know Ryon is in Boy Scouts and he is currently a Second Class.  He is almost ready for his Scout review to try for 1st Class. He has earned several merit badges also.  He is currently getting ready for Winter Camp. Rob and him will be attending this year's Winter Camp together.  As i say better them then me.

Well let's get the scoop on Makenzee.  As you all know she is now a sophomore in college and attending Marshall University.  She is currently double majoring and keeping a 3.90 GPA.  She earned a $1000. scholarship and has been inducted to the Collegiate Honor Society.  She has been very busy with school and I only get to see her on holidays.  She is spending the Christmas season again with us and I can't wait.

Well for Rob and I, it really has been about work and running Ryon around to everything.  It looks like change is coming upon us as for what it is we are not sure. We have been here in TN for a little over 3 years so I just have that funny feeling that something will be happening this upcoming year or two.  He is currently working a staff position and for anyone that knows my husband sitting behind a desk is not good for him. He really enjoys training and working with the Soldiers.  Hopefully soon he will be back on the line where he is enjoying himself.

We just wanted to give everyone a quick update on what we have had come around and what we have been up to. As you can see things do not get any slower as the kids get older. With Ryon getting ready to finish 7th grade and Makenzee finishing up sophomore year of college It looks like things will continue at this pace.   We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year.  May God Bless everyone with great things this upcoming year.