Thursday, November 5, 2009

Long week

Yes I know the week is not really over but it is close enough for me. I honestly want the weekend to be here. Nothing planned well maybe cleaning but nothing major.

Halloween was great. As you see in pictures Ryon was one of his favorite things. Oh wait you are not suppose to see him.. my bad. Ryon was in a costume contest at the unit Halloween party and the age group he fell in was 8-16. He won 1st place and was totally excited. Our neighbor helped him with his costume so I have to give credit where credit is due. But he does look real good. As for me I was able to hand out candy this year while Rob took Ryon and the dog "Trick o Treating" It was a great night weather wise also. Some clouds and crispness in the air and so very much feeling like Fall.

It did not last. I ended up taking a road trip to pick up some things for my dear sweet husband and ended up seeing some real good friends. Had dinner with Cassie and the kids which is always a pleasure. Specially since we ate Brusters afterwards. Had lunch with another good friend at our favorite hot spot "Hooters" the wings rock. Well they did for sure that day.
Work has been real busy with everyone leaving and coming it makes for time to either go quickly or just drag on. I think today was one of those days that did not want to quit. As you all may have heard the terrible news that has happened at Fort Hood. Please keep those families in your prayers. It is very sad for something like this to happen here to our friends and loved ones. After hearing the news I was contated by my friends there to let me know they were safe and sound so I was able to breathe a little easier. One thing I can say is no matter where or what happens we tend to all pull together in rough and hard times. Our prayers are with you all.

Now I have to figure what we are doing for the holidays. Originally I wanted to leave but now we might just stay home and hope my daughter comes home. But knowing her she will find something to keep her in California.

It is late, and we have an early day tomorrow. Hopefully the doctors appointment will give some answers to all my questions. Last day of work and school for Ryon. Not sure what are in sight for the weekend but I do know I will make the best of it with my family. God Bless and sleep tight. Our prayers to all that are in harms way and all that have lost loved ones.